You are here: Gaming > Titan > Titan Settings

Titan Settings

Before you can use the interface, you will need to configure some settings.


Global Options

Go to Setup > Global Options > Interfaces > Gaming Interface.


Interface Type – Titan.

Redeem Tender – Select the Tender that you created for Points.

IP Address/Host – Titan_PL (Odyssey Gaming need to confirm)

Add Members to POS – Select this field to add the members to the Idealpos Database if they are not already.

Code Length – This is the length of the Code that will be entered into the Idealpos database.

Customer Type – This is the Customer Type the new members will be added to in Idealpos.

Use Price Level Schedule – Check this if you want to use the Price Level Schedule function.

Redemptions treated as Discounts – Toggle this setting on or off.

Trigger Card Swipe manually using [ ; ] Prefix - This setting will trigger any input received via the Keyboard Wedge which contains this prefix as a Card Swipe.



Perform the Global Options settings before performing the next step.

You need to configure the port that the Titan PL POS Interface listens for each terminal on.

Titan always listens on ports 1100-1119.

This will allow a maximum of 20 POS Terminals.


Go to Setup > POS Terminals > Modify each terminal that can accrue and redeem Points > Miscellaneous > Gaming Override Options > Port.